haku: @indexterm Data Envelopment Analysis / yhteensä: 123
viite: 16 / 123
Tekijä:Lee, S.
Lee, K.
Kang, I.W.
Otsikko:Efficiency analysis of controls in EDI applications
Lehti:Information & Management
2005 : MAR, VOL 42:3, p. 425-439
Asiasana:Data envelopment analysis
Electronic data interchange
Performance appraisal
Tiivistelmä:A mechanism for inter-organizational electronic commerce (e-commerce), that is electronic data interchange (EDI), has revolutionized the way organizations conduct their business. Major benefits of EDI, however, depend on the use of appropriate controls to overcome potential risks and exposures. This paper discusses a description of a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model for analysis of the controls for a specific context of EDI. A DEA model to analyze the efficiency of controls in the context of finance and trade. Every company can determine the relative amount of reduction in each mode or component of controls to make the control system efficient.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257407
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