haku: @indexterm KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT / yhteensä: 1246
viite: 78 / 1246
Tekijä:Mitchell, R.
Boyle, B.
Otsikko:Knowledge creation measurement methods
Lehti:Journal of Knowledge Management
2010 : VOL. 14:1, p. 67-82
Asiasana:knowledge management
Vapaa asiasana:knowledge creation
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores the operationalization of knowledge creation (KC). Given the importance of KC for national and corporate wealth, assessing its measurement is a valuable exercise. It is aimed to review current measurement methods and to build a taxonomy of KC measures. A four-step classification method is utilized. The literature review includes key-term searches on bibliographic databases, producing a sample of over 60 empirical papers including KC measures. A cognitive map of these measures is created based on three different attributes.
The main contribution is the development of a hierarchical taxonomy of KC measures.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276086
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