haku: @indexterm KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT / yhteensä: 1246
viite: 76 / 1246
Tekijä:Anantatmula, V.S.
Kanungo, S.
Otsikko:Modeling enablers for successful KM implementation
Lehti:Journal of Knowledge Management
2010 : VOL. 14:1, p. 100-113
Asiasana:knowledge management
knowledge engineering
Tiivistelmä:This paper aims to present a model consisting of a set of enablers and barriers (herein as: enbls. and brrs.) for successful KM implementation (henceforth as: implm.) to obtain desired results. Using a literature review, identified is a set of enbls. and and brrs. to successful KM implm. Using this set of factors, a questionnaire is developed by applying the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) methodology to define underlying relations among these factors and to develop strategies for the successful implm. of KM initiatives.
As a result of the ISM methodology, a model is presented to show the findings which help to identify important strategies for implementing KM successfully. Furthermore, methodologies are suggested for KM implementation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276091
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