haku: @indexterm Education / yhteensä: 1254
viite: 24 / 1254
Tekijä:Wolff, H.
Chong, H.
Auffhammer, M.
Otsikko:Classification, detection and consequences of data error: evidence from the human development index
Lehti:Economic Journal
2011 : JUN, VOL. 121:553 p. 843-870
country comparisons
Tiivistelmä:This research paper measures and explores data error in health, education and income statistics used to construct the Human Development Index. A simple statistical framework is developed to calculate country specific measures of data uncertainty and examine how data error biases rank assignments. It is found that up to 34% of countries are misclassified and, by replicating prior studies, it is illustrated that key estimated parameters vary by up to 100% due to data error.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273452
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