haku: @indexterm Lay-offs / yhteensä: 128
viite: 48 / 128
Tekijä:Armstrong-Stassen, M.
Otsikko:Coping with the transition: a study of layoff survivors
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
1994 : DEC, VOL. 15:7, p. 597-621
Tiivistelmä:This study examined the determinants and consequences of survivors' coping responses to a recent workforce reduction involving permanent layoffs. The participants consisted of 200 unionized technicians in the telecommunications industry. Survivors with high optimistic predispositions and a strong sense of mastery were more likely to engage in control-oriented coping. Perceived threat of job loss was positively related to the use of both control and escape coping whereas sense of powerlessness was negatively related to the use of control coping.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 126683
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