haku: @indexterm Life insurance / yhteensä: 128
viite: 17 / 128
Tekijä:Shen, Shicang
Otsikko:Current fund-raising situation and operational risk of China's social old-age pension (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Nankai Economic Studies (c)
1999 : 12, p.51-56
Tiivistelmä:At present, the financing of China's old-age pension faces faces a lot of risks: the old-age pension adds to the burden of enterprises; wage substitution rate is high and there are comparatively less fund-raising channels; the problem of aging sharply increases the expenditure; historically there is a heavy debt and a lack of fund accumulation. To ensure the smooth operation of the social old-age pension and attain the set objective of social endowment insurance, the government should give a financial support, perfect laws and regulations, adopt administrative legislation etc. to guarantee the fund-raising of the social old-age pension.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 209144
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