haku: @indexterm Organizational control / yhteensä: 129
viite: 14 / 129
Tekijä:Lim, V. K. G.
Otsikko:The IT way of loafing on the job: cyberloafing, neutralizing and organizational justice
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2002 : AUG, VOL. 23:5, p. 675-694
Asiasana:Information technology
Organizational control
Organizational communication
Tiivistelmä:The study focuses on cyberloafing - the act of employees using their companies' internet access for personal purposes during work hours. Cyberloafing present a form of production deviance. Using the theoretical networks offered by social exchange, organizational justice and neutralization, the authors examine the often-neglected dark side of the internet and the role that neutralization techniques play in facilitating this misbehaviour at the workplace. They developed a model which suggested that when individuals perceived their organizations to be distributively, procedurally and interactionally unjust, they were likely to to invoke the metaphor of the ledger as a neutralization technique to legatimize their subsiquent engagement in the act of cyberloafing.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 234782
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