haku: @indexterm Intellectual Property Law / yhteensä: 129
viite: 10 / 129
Tekijä:Keupp, M.M.
Beckenbauer, A.
Gassmann, O.
Otsikko:How managers protect intellectual property rights in China using de facto strategies
Lehti:R & D Management
2009 : MAR, VOL. 39:2, p. 211-224
Asiasana:intellectual property law
rights issues
emerging markets
Tiivistelmä:Foreign firms trying to protect their intellectual property rights (IPRs) in emerging economies are under real pressures because these economies usually offer little or no enforcement of IPR.
This paper explores how managers of foreign firms in China have already tried to achieve effective IPR protection: they have crafted de facto strategies to protect IPR without using China's legal system or engaging in lawsuits against imitators. These strategies work, and it is herein explained how and why, thus offering a potential template for IPR protection also in other economies with weak appropriability systems.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276129
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