haku: @journal_id 849 / yhteensä: 130
viite: 27 / 130
Tekijä:Li, Shouxin
Otsikko:Higher education: the new point of expanding domestic demand----revitalizing higher education through rationalization of operational mechanism and optimization of resources allocation (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Macro Economic Management (c)
1999 : 4, p.14-17
Tiivistelmä:Higher education has become a large market owing to the needs of national economy and social development as well as young people's strong desire to study at college. To further develop higher education will benefit both the individuals and the nation. Colleges and universities are the main bodies of higher education market, where competitive mechanism should be introduced in order to promote rational and effective allocation of higher education resources. To initiate higher vocational education according to new management patterns and operational mechanisms is an important step for the reform and development of higher education, which will have a great impact on the reform of the patterns of the whole higher education.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 208871
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