haku: @indexterm Packaging industry / yhteensä: 131
viite: 9 / 131
Tekijä:Golan, E.
Kuchler, F.
Mitchell, L.
Otsikko:Economics of food labeling
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Policy
2001 : JUN, VOL. 24:2, p. 117-184
Asiasana:Health economics
Health and safety
Food industry
Packaging industry
Tiivistelmä:Federal intervention in food labeling is often proposed with the aim of achieving a social goal such as improving human health and safety, mitigating environmental hazards, averting international trade disputes, or supporting domestic agricultural and food manufacturing industries.This report traces the economic theory behind food labeling and presents three case studies in which the government has intervened in labeling and two examples in which government intervention has been proposed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 228965
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