haku: @indexterm Packaging industry / yhteensä: 131
viite: 7 / 131
Tekijä:Oliveira-Castro, J.M. (et al.)
Otsikko:Dynamics of repeat buying for packaged food products
Lehti:Journal of Marketing Management
2005 : FEB, VOL 21:1-2, p. 37-61
Food industry
Packaging industry
Consumer attitudes
Consumer behaviour
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:Buyers of consumer non-durables (henceforth as: n-ds.) tend to buy several brands (here as: bds.) of a product category (here as: p-cat./p-cats.) during the year, though a few are exclusive buyers (here as: e-buys.) of particular bds. This paper investigates the dynamics of successive repeat-buying and penetration levels of groups of bds. belonging to similar levels of brand differentiation (here as: diff). It examines the probability of buying bds. belonging to the same level of diff. on successive shopping occasions. Consumer panel data for 80 consumers for weekly purchases of eight p-cats. over a period of 16 weeks were analyzed. A decrease in the probability of sequential repeat-buying (here as: r-b-g.) of bds. belonging to the same level of brand diff. with increases in the number of successive shopping occasions is hypothesized. Similar analysis was undertaken to examine the penetration level of groups of similar bds. Two equations, constructed to describe the dynamics of r-b-g. for groups of bds., were applied to the description of the dynamics of r-b-g. and penetration level of particular bds. The results suggest several managerial applications incl. the estimation of the proportion of sequential repeat buyers and non-repeat buyers during the product shopping cycle.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257697
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