haku: @indexterm Packaging industry / yhteensä: 131
viite: 4 / 131
Tekijä:Clement, J.
Otsikko:Visual influence on is-store buying decisions: an eye-track experiment on the visual influence of packaging design
Lehti:Journal of Marketing Management
2007 : VOL. 23:9-10, p.917-928
Asiasana:design management
consumer behaviour
packaging industry
Tiivistelmä:This paper focuses on the effect visual attention has on consumers' in-store buying behavior. As a method, the eye-track experiment is used. The results show that packaging design affects the decision-making process in several phases. The in-store decision making process is divided in five phases. Especially post-purchase phase seems to be a necessary part of that process. Still, there is a need for better understanding in the effects of packaging-design elements.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 266597
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