haku: @indexterm Mortgages / yhteensä: 132
viite: 8 / 132
Tekijä:Petrick, J.A.
Otsikko:Toward responsible global financial risk management: the reckoning and reform recommendations
Lehti:Journal of Asia-Pacific Business
2009 : VOL. 10:1, p. 1-33
Asiasana:economic crisis
financial crises
credit markets
moral hazard
Tiivistelmä:This article reviews similarities between the 1990s Asia-Pacific financial crisis and the current U.S.-originated subprime mortgage, credit and financial crisis. However, the author sees this financial crisis as an opportunity for a new and alternative business model to change opinions and institutions worldwide. The global business integrity capacity model (hereafter as GBICM) presented in the paper aims to balance global economy and reduce economic bubbles. The suggested GBICM reforms are considered from micro-, meso- and macrolevel perspectives.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268244
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