haku: @indexterm CONJOINT ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 133
viite: 17 / 133
Tekijä:Moore, W.L.
Otsikko:A cross-validity comparison of rating-based and choice-based conjoint analysis models
Lehti:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2004 : VOL. 21:3, p. 299-312
Asiasana:Conjoint analysis
Marketing research
Vapaa asiasana:Choice-based conjoint
Hierarchical Bayes
Rating-based conjoint
Tiivistelmä:The article compares OLS, hierarchical Bayes, and latent segment, rating-based conjoint models to HB and latent segment choice-based conjoint models. The biggest systematic difference between rating- and choice-based parameters is consistent with a compatiblity effect. This leads to a stronger prominence effect for rating-based models. The authors found that the HB rating-based model has the highest hit rate and choice share validations and the OLS model has the second highest.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257703
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