haku: @indexterm CONJOINT ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 133
viite: 12 / 133
Tekijä:Vermeulen, B.
Goos, P.
Vandebroek, M.
Otsikko:Models and optimal designs for conjoint choice experiments including a no-choice option
Lehti:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2008 : JUN, VOL. 25:2, p. 94-103
conjoint analysis
choice theory
Tiivistelmä:In the literature, three different models are used to analyze the results of a conjoint choice experiment with a no-choice (hereafter as: no-ch.) option: the no-ch. multinomial logit model (here as: m-l-m.), the extended no-ch. m-l-m., and the nested no-ch. m-l-m. This paper develops optimal designs for the two most appealing of these models using the D-optimality criterion and the modified Fedorov algorithm. These optimal designs are compared with a reference design, constructed while ignoring the no-ch. option, in terms of estimation and prediction accuracy (here as: e-and-p-acc.). It is concluded that taking into account the no-ch. option when designing a no-choice experiment only has a marginal effect on the e-and-p-acc. as long as the model used for estimation matches the data-generating model.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268834
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