haku: @indexterm PRIVACY / yhteensä: 135
viite: 32 / 135
Tekijä:Largent, B.
Rogers, V. C.
Marsh, T. A.
Otsikko:Digital Signatures
Lehti:Journal of Internet Commerce
2002 : VOL. 1:1, p. 65-74
Tiivistelmä:The author of the article states that digital signatures hav been the focus of much controversy in recent years. With electronic commerce booming, there is a need for secured transactions and contractual agreements. The author states that the growing use of the Internet for business makes digital signatures a crucial issue. This article discusses three methods used in digital signatures: symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption and signature dynamics. In addition, the need for consistent laws governing digital signatures in all of the United States, and indeed in the world, is discussed. The paper provides a substantial list of references on this subject.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 241220
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