haku: @indexterm PRIVACY / yhteensä: 135
viite: 31 / 135
Tekijä:Davis, J. J.
Otsikko:Marketing to Children Online: A Manager's Guide to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
Lehti:Advanced Management Journal
2002 : AUTUMN, VOL. 67:4, p. 11-21
Tiivistelmä:It has not escaped the notice of business that children are a large and growing group of Internet users. By 2005, some 27 million are expected to be online. This has also not escaped the notice of Congress, which enacted the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) to regulate the collection of personal information from children under 12. The regulations address requirements concerning prominent notice of the site's information collection practices, the completeness of the notice, parental control and consent, the appropriateness of the information requested, and the security of the information once gathered. Failure to abide by the letter and possibly the intent of the Act can bring negative publicity and fines.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 241688
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