haku: @indexterm Reputation / yhteensä: 135
viite: 22 / 135
Tekijä:Cianci, A. M.
Kaplan, S. E.
Otsikko:The effect of CEO reputation and explanations for poor performance on investors' judgments about the company's future performance and management
Lehti:Accounting, Organizations and Society
2010 : MAY, VOL. 35:4 p. 478-495
Asiasana:chief executive officers
performance appraisal
financial performance
Tiivistelmä:In this paper MBA students make judgments about a company's future performance and management's (hereafter as: mgmt) reputation after the company reports poor financial results. Information about the CEO's pre-existing reputation is manipulated at three levels and the plausibility of mgmt's at two levels. The results indicate, among others, that mgmt's explanations influence investors' judgments of the company's future performance. Especially, a pre-existing favorable mgmt reputation seems to be an enduring trait that is not damaged even if the mgmt offers an implausible explanation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270318
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