haku: @journal_id 1459 / yhteensä: 136
viite: 52 / 136
Tekijä:Hiebert, M.
Otsikko:Future shock
Lehti:Far Eastern Economic Review
1997 : FEB 27, p. 44-49
Tiivistelmä:Malaysia's plan to build a hi-tech paradise has Singapore running scared. Is the Lion City's status as Southeast Asia's technology capital under threat? Malaysia's ambitions to transform itself into a Southeast Asian hi-tech powerhouse are clearly setting off alarm bells in well-wired Singapore. The first shock came in July, when Gates announced Microsoft would establish its regional headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. But the most startling developments followed in January when leading titans of the American computer industry gathered around one table to hear Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad describe his plan to build a "Multimedia Super Corridor" that would fast-forward Malaysia into the 21st century.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 158556
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