haku: @indexterm DIVIDEND POLICY / yhteensä: 136
viite: 14 / 136
Tekijä:Baker, M.
Wurgler, J.
Otsikko:Appearing and disappearing dividends: the link to catering incentives
Lehti:Journal of Financial Economics
2004 : AUG, VOL. 73:2, p. 271-288
Asiasana:Dividend policy
Tiivistelmä:The article establishes a link between fluctuations in the propensity to pay dividends and catering incentives. First, the authors use the methodology of Fama and French (J. Finan. Econ.(2001)) to identify a total of four distinct trends in the propensity to pay dividends between 1963 to 2000. Second, the authors show that each of these trends lines up with a corresponding fluctuation in catering incentives: The propensity to pay dividends increases when a proxy for the stock market dividend premium is positive and decreases when it is negative.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257121
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