haku: @indexterm Venture management / yhteensä: 138
viite: 11 / 138
Tekijä:Shook, C.L.
Priem, R.L.
McGee, J.E.
Otsikko:Venture creation and the enterprising individual: a review and synthesis
Lehti:Journal of Management
2003 : VOL. 29:3, p. 379-399
Individual behaviour
Venture management
Vapaa asiasana:Venture creation
Tiivistelmä:New ventures are started by enterprising individuals or groups, and thus we have to understand the role of individuals if we are to understand venture creation. The venture creation literature that has examined the the role of the individual is reviewed and critiqued with an eye toward identifying the topics researched in this article and improving research designs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 251079
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