haku: @indexterm Air pollution / yhteensä: 139
viite: 60 / 139
Tekijä:Cole, M.
Otsikko:Air pollution and "dirty" industries: how and why does the composition of manufacturing output change with economic development?
Lehti:Environmental and Resource Economics
2000 : SEP, VOL. 17:1, p. 109-123
Tiivistelmä:This paper examines the impact on air pollution of changes in the composition of manufacturing output in developed and developing countries. Pollution emissions from manufacturing output are estimated in a manner which holds constant the effect of technology and regulations allowing the impact of compositional changes alone on pollution to be estimated. The paper has three main findings. One is that the inverted-U estimated between per capita income and the pollution intensity of GDP arises due to both the composition of manufacturing becoming cleaner and the share of manufacturing output in GDP falling.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 222914
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