haku: @indexterm disease / yhteensä: 14
viite: 9 / 14
Tekijä:Morris, J.
Otsikko:Technology: Compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals won't rid the world of infectious diseases
Lehti:Economic Affairs
2001 : SEP, VOL. 21:3, p. 55-55
Tiivistelmä:The subject of this paper is medicine. The author presents the development of medicines including vaccines, combined with a treatment programme for tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS. The paper also considers the side effects of long term therapy. The author focuses on the combination of widespread spraying DDT and therapeutic use of chloroquine. The author states that tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS rank among the world's biggest killers. Cheaper drugs can alleviate short-term problems but, without carefully crafted policies, could make the long term situation worse. Development of new medicines, including vaccines, combined with systematic and rigorous treatment programme, must be seen as the primary objectives.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 229897
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