haku: @indexterm competitiveness / yhteensä: 1400
viite: 26 / 1400
Tekijä:Raulik, G.
Cawood, G.
Larsen, P.
Otsikko:National design strategies and country competitive economic advantage
Lehti:Design Journal
2008 : VOL. 11:2, p. 119-136
Asiasana:design management
economic development
developing countries
less-developed countries
Vapaa asiasana:design policy
design strategy
Tiivistelmä:The idea of this paper is to discuss the relation between design initiatives and economic competitiveness in different economies. According to the survey of 83 design support organizations from 44 countries, more advanced economies have adopted a greater number of design strategies than developing countries. They also perceived different national design strategies e.g. design promotion, design support and design policy as an improvement for their economic advantage. The findings also revealed that developing countries did not regard design as an instrument to develop their current economic situation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268190
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