haku: @indexterm competitiveness / yhteensä: 1400
viite: 24 / 1400
Tekijä:Contractor, F.J.
Mudambi, S.M.
Otsikko:The influence of human capital investment on the exports of services and goods: An analysis of the Top 25 services outsourcing countries
Lehti:Management International Review
2008 : VOL. 48:4, p. 433-445
Asiasana:human capital
export marketing
emerging markets
developed economies
Vapaa asiasana:commercial services
Tiivistelmä:Services globalization challenges the role of human capital (henceforth as: HC) investment, whose effect in past studies has been mixed. Drawing on HC theory, this article developes three propositions, analyzing the effect of HC investment, infrastructure, and the business environment on the export of services and goods (here as: s-and-g.) from 25 countries from 1989 to 2003. HC is found to have a significant effect on the exports of s-and-g. However, contrary to the expectations of HC theory, HC is not significantly more important for services exports than for goods exports. HC investment had a greater effect in emerging Asia than in developed countries, as expected by HC theory.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268935
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