haku: @indexterm Forecasting / yhteensä: 1417
viite: 29 / 1417
Tekijä:Eliashberg, J. (et al.)
Otsikko:Demand-driven scheduling of movies in a multiplex
Lehti:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2009 : JUN, VOL. 26:2, p. 75-88
Asiasana:film industry
decision support systems
integer programming
Tiivistelmä:This paper deals with a marketing decision support system (hereafter as: dss.) in the movie industry. The dss. of interest is a model generating weekly movie schedules (here as: schd/s.) in a multiplex movie theater. A movie schd. specifies for each weekday, on which screen(s) and at which time(s) different movies will be played. The model integrates marketing and operations research approaches, consisting of two parts: i. conditional forecasts of the number of visitors per show for any possible starting time, and ii. a scheduling procedure for finding quickly a near optimal schd. The "movie scheduling problem" is formulated as a generalized set partitioning problem. The combined demand forecasting/schedule optimization procedure is tested in a multiplex in Amsterdam, generating movie schd/s. for 14 weeks. The proposed model makes movie scheduling easier and less time consuming, also generating schd/s. attracting more visitors than current "intuition-based" schedules.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271688
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