haku: @indexterm WATER RESOURCES / yhteensä: 143
viite: 27 / 143
Tekijä:Westling, E.L.
Lerner, D.N.
Sharp, L.
Otsikko:Using secondary data to analyse socio-economic impacts of water management actions
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Management
2009 : NOV/DEC, VOL. 91:2, p. 411-422
Asiasana:socio-economic accounting
water resources
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents an analysis of the socio-economic (henceforth as: soc-ec.) impacts of river restoration schemes (here as: rest-schm/s). A control-impacted approach was applied to find out differences in soc-ec. characteristics of areas within which rest-schms. had been carried out compared to areas without such a scheme. It is shown that significant differences exist btw. control and impacted areas for a range of soc-ec. variables.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269207
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