haku: @indexterm TRADING COMPANIES / yhteensä: 145
viite: 52 / 145
Tekijä:Deng, Zhiyang
Otsikko:Business of scale, and business and management of foreign trade enterprises (original in Chinese)
Lehti:International Economics and Trade Research (c)
1996 : 5, p.33-37
Tiivistelmä:Using the theory on economy and trade of scale, this paper makes a penetrating analysis of several main modes of scale business of foreign trade enterprises. It thinks that business of scale is not simply equal to economic returns of scale. Guided by correct theory, Guided by correct theory , China's foreign trade enterprises should choose the right mode of scale business according to their internal and external conditions and conduct boldly innovation in business. Only in this way, can they make a breakthrough progress. It, at last, points out several issues need to arouse attention in decision-making of business.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 158863
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