haku: @indexterm STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 146
viite: 37 / 146
Tekijä:Ruef, M.
Otsikko:Strong ties, weak ties and islands: structural and cultural predictors of organizational innovation
Lehti:Industrial and Corporate Change
2002 : SEP, VOL. 11:3, p. 427-450
Tiivistelmä:The author of the article answers the question how the tendency of entrepreneurs to engage in innovation does relate to their structural and cultural embeddedness. Using micro-data on entrepreneurial teams and the organizational innovations they attempt to develop, this article presents a predictive model of creative action to address this question. Capacity for creative\action is seen to be a function of the ability of entrepreneurs to (i) obtain non-redundant information from their social networks, (ii) avoid pressures for conformity, and (iii) sustain trust in developing novel-and potentially profitable- innovations. Probit analyses of over 700 organizational startups suggest that these mechanisms exercise effects on innovation via the network ties and enculturation of entrepreneurs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 237881
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