haku: @indexterm NETWORKS / yhteensä: 1473
viite: 424 / 1473
Tekijä:Croxton, K.L.
Otsikko:The order fulfillment process
Lehti:International Journal of Logistics Management
2003 : VOL. 14:1, p. 19-32
Asiasana:Supply chain management
Value added
Tiivistelmä:Order fulfillment is a key process in managing the supply chain. In this paper, the order fulfillment process is described in detail to show how it can be implemented within a company, and managed across firms in the supply chain. The activities of each sub-process are examined; the interfaces with functional silos, processes and firms are evaluated; and, examples of successful implementations are provided.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254676
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