haku: @indexterm NETWORKS / yhteensä: 1473
viite: 138 / 1473
Tekijä:Carlos, A.M.
Maguire, K.
Neal, L.
Otsikko:'A knavish people...': London Jewry and the stock market during the South Sea Bubble
Lehti:Business history
2008 : NOV, VOL. 50:6, p. 728-748
Asiasana:capital markets
stock markets
Vapaa asiasana:jewry
Tiivistelmä:In an era when financial markets were only beginning the move from personal to impersonal relations, this paper examines the role of Jewish brokers in the market for Bank of England stock at a time when their status as recent immigrants, subject to constraints due to religion and ethnicity, made them unlikely intermediaries beyond their own communities. Using formal network analysis, an examination of their activity during the first half of 1720 suggests a marginal role. However, as the bubble began to burst a few Jewish financiers became disproportionately involved as purchasers of a stock clearly on the decline.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272695
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