haku: @indexterm urban areas / yhteensä: 151
viite: 104 / 151
Tekijä:Zhou, Changqing
Otsikko:On the attributes and structures of resources-model cities and their coordinated development (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Reform of Economic System (c)
1994 : 5, p.23-30
Tiivistelmä:Resources-model cities have the functions of comprehensive service for economy and society and becoming the pillar of developing industry. They are cities featuring heavy-model industrial structure and the big-sized state-owned economy and tertiary industries lagging behind. The dual management system has very serious shortcomings and the following two cities' functional bodies derived from it: one is the cities' functional ring of the economy and society operating with the main body of local cities and governments, and the other is that with the main body of large and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, we must correctly handle the relations between tapping resources and constructing cities and coordinately improving scientific and technical progress, cities and large enterprises operating coordinately, industries and infrastructures comprehensively.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 139674
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