haku: @indexterm Urban areas / yhteensä: 151
viite: 24 / 151
Tekijä:Alberini, A.
Riganti, P.
Longo, A.
Otsikko:Can people value the aesthetic and use services of urban sites? Evidence from a survey of Belfast residents
Lehti:Journal of Cultural Economics
2003 : NOV, VOL. 27:3-4, p. 193-213
Asiasana:Consumer behaviour
Urban areas
Conjoint analysis
Vapaa asiasana:Belfast
Tiivistelmä:The monetary benefits of urban regeneration and restoration projects can be difficult to value for they are non-market goods. Using a conjoint choice-based survey this article examines the consumers' preferences for urban regeneration projects which change the aesthetic and use character of specified urban sites.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257161
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