haku: @indexterm Urban areas / yhteensä: 151
viite: 22 / 151
Tekijä:Gentile, M.
Sjöberg, Ö.
Otsikko:Intra-urban landscapes of priority: the Soviet legacy
Lehti:Europe-Asia Studies
2006 : JUL, VOL. 58:5, p. 701-729
Asiasana:urban sociology
urban areas
urban development
Vapaa asiasana:Soviet Union
Tiivistelmä:Based on the urban experience of the Soviet Union, this article explores the value of the so-called priority (hereafter as: prty.) approach for understanding the mechanisms having contributed to the creation of the spatial structure of the Soviet/socialist city (here as: S-city). The changes in prty. status are highlighted. It is suggested that the variations were instrumental in the formation of the social differentiation and internal functioning of the S-city. and its post-Soviet successor. Finally, proposed is a new model of the development of the S-city., fusing the prty. approach with previous scholarly work.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 262691
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