haku: @indexterm INFORMATION RETRIEVAL / yhteensä: 152
viite: 35 / 152
Tekijä:Chen, A.N.K.
Goes, P.B.
Marsden, J.R.
Otsikko:A query-driven approach to the design and management of flexible database systems
Lehti:Journal of Management Information Systems
2003 : WINTER, VOL. 19:3, p. 121-154
Asiasana:Data base management
Data mining
Information retrieval
Neural networks
Tiivistelmä:There is a need in the e-business world to develop a flexible timely database system with the capability to adapt and maintain performance levels under changing queries and business environments. Being aware of the importance of providing fast access to a variety of read-only applications in today's e-business world, the systems architecture for developing and implementing a flexbile database system to achieve considerable gains in processing times of read queries is introduced in this paper.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254728
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