haku: @indexterm Preferences / yhteensä: 153
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Tekijä:Borghans, L. (et al.)
Otsikko:Gender differences in risk aversion and ambiguity aversion
Lehti:Journal of the European Economic Association
2009 : APR-MAY, VOL. 7:2-3, p. 649-658
risk aversion
Vapaa asiasana:ambiguity aversion
Tiivistelmä:This article examines gender differences in risk aversion and ambiguity aversion. The study investigates whether variations in preference parameters among persons and in particular across genders can be accounted for by differences in personality traits and traits of cognition. It is found that women are more risk averse than men. Women require no further compensation for the introduction of ambiguity but men do over an initial range. Women have the same marginal distaste for increased ambiguity as men at greater levels of ambiguity. Psychological variables account for some of the interpersonal variation in risk aversion but they explain none of the differences in ambiguity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270639
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