haku: @indexterm CHANGE / yhteensä: 1539
viite: 441 / 1539
Tekijä:Irwin, D.
Otsikko:Changes in U.S. tariffs: the role of import prices and commercial policies
Lehti:American Economic Review
1998 : SEP, VOL. 88:4, p. 1015-1026
Tiivistelmä:For nearly a century after the Civil War, the height of U.S. import tariffs and the method of taxing imports were sharply disputed partisan issues: Republicans favored high, protective tariffs using specific duties, while Democrats favored moderate, revenue tariffs using ad valorem duties. In fashioning most of the tariff legislation during this period, Republicans ensured that about two-thirds of dutiable imports were subject to specific duties. The paper contributes to the literature by disentangling the degree to which changes in import prices and in tariff rates have been responsible for tariff movements over a longer sample period.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 184228
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