haku: @indexterm Information network / yhteensä: 156
viite: 13 / 156
Otsikko:China starts government network project (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economy and Information (c)
1999 : 4, p.61
Tiivistelmä:There will be 60% of ministries and commissions and government departments of al levels setting up their web on the Internet, providing all kinds of information for common people this year. Up to now, there been more than 800 government departments apply for domain name. And more than 200 have been brought into move, including 40 government databases on the Internet of the Supreme people' Procuratorate, General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Civil Affairs, and so on. The government departments charge 80% of the valuable information of all the resources and more than 3000 database. The government getting on line will increase the efficiency of the government, reduce the working cost and enhance international exchange.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 197663
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