haku: @indexterm whisky industry / yhteensä: 16
viite: 2 / 16
Tekijä:Clay, K.
Troesken, W.
Otsikko:Further tests of static oligopoly models: whiskey, 1882-1898
Lehti:Journal of Industrial Economics
2003 : JUN, VOL. 51:2, p. 151-166
Whisky industry
Tiivistelmä:Tests of the NEIO methodology similar to those conducted by Genesove and Mullin (1998) are conducted using data from the turn-of-the-century whiskey industry. It is found that NEIO methodology appears to perform reasonably well for low levels of market power. Conduct is somewhat overestimated, with estimates ranging from 0,17 to 0,35 as compared to direct estimates of 0,09.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 250878
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