haku: @indexterm CULTURE / yhteensä: 1605
viite: 75 / 1605
Tekijä:Olson, E. L.
Otsikko:Does sponsorship work in the same way in different sponsorship contexts?
Lehti:European Journal of Marketing
2010 : VOL. 44:1/2, p. 180-199
sports industry
Vapaa asiasana:modelling
Tiivistelmä:Sponsorships are a growing communication form. The purpose of this study is to develop a model of high-level sponsorship effects that works well in both sports and cultural sponsorship contexts. The model combines concepts from various literatures to a comprehensive model of high-level sponsorship effects. It is found that the model works almost equally well in both contexts. Improving attitude towards the sponsorship and object equity are found to be he most significant factors for improving sponsor equity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270139
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