haku: @indexterm YOUNG PEOPLE / yhteensä: 162
viite: 34 / 162
Tekijä:MacPhail, A.
Kirk, D.
Otsikko:Young people's socialisation into sport: Experiencing the specialising phase
Lehti:Leisure Studies
2006 : JAN, VOL. 25:1, p. 57-74
young people
Vapaa asiasana:sports
Tiivistelmä:Young people's (hereafter as: y-p.) socialisation into sport can be argued to follow a general pattern of sampling, specializing and investing (Coté and Hay, 2002). Based on previously examined key features of the sampling phase (here as: smpl-ph.) in the junior section of Forest Athletic Club (FAC)(MacPhail et al, 2003), this paper reports and discusses key characteristics of the specializing phase (here as: spec-ph.) evident through y-p.'s involvement at the club incl. a reduction in the number of sporting activities being pursued, enjoyment and success etc. Characteristics of the spec-ph. are reported that were not evident when observing and interviewing the same athletes when they were experiencing the smpl.ph. To conclude, it is suggested how the quality of the sporting experience in the specializing years can increase the likelihood that y-p. will remain involved in sport.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 260104
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