haku: @indexterm YOUNG PEOPLE / yhteensä: 162
viite: 30 / 162
Tekijä:Duarte, R.
Escario, J.J.
Molina, J.A.
Otsikko:The psychosocial behaviour of young Spanish smokers
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Policy
2006 : JUN, VOL. 29:2, p. 176-189
young people
consumer behaviour
Tiivistelmä:This paper studies the psychosocial (hereafter as: p-s.) behaviour of Spanish smokers (here as: smks.) btw. the ages of 14 and 18. The study aims at identifying the factors associated with both the decision to consume tobacco and the quantities to consume, using type II Tobit model. Data is drawn from the Spanish Surveys on drug use in the school population corresponding to 1994, 1996, and 1998. The results show that the two decisions are strongly associated with a number of p-s. determinants. Especially, evidence shows that the probability of smoking and the quantity consumed are positively related to variables such as the age of the adolescent, his/her disposable income, or education failure. The estimates also show that the realization of informative campaigns about the risk of tobacco etc. reduces both the proportion of smks. and the number of cigarettes consumed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 263002
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