haku: @indexterm POLICY MAKING / yhteensä: 165
viite: 15 / 165
Tekijä:Fischer, E.
Reuber, A.R.
Otsikko:Support for rapid-growth firms: a comparison of the views of founders, government policymakers, and private sector resource providers
Lehti:Journal of Small Business Management
2003 : OCT, VOL. 41:4, p. 346-365
Asiasana:Company growth
Company ownership
Policy making
Tiivistelmä:The perspectives of company owners, government policy advisers and external resource providers on how rapid-growth companies should be supported are contrasted in this paper. Similarities and differences in groups' perspectives are identified by analyzing qualitative data. It is indicated that each group sees its roles as critical.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254209
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