haku: @indexterm imf / yhteensä: 166
viite: 18 / 166
Tekijä:Smalhout, J.
Otsikko:Credibility of IMF and World Bank may be a war casualty
2001 : NOV, 391, p. 42-44, 46, 48-49
Tiivistelmä:Heavily influenced by Washington, international financial institutions may be irresistibly drawn in by the U.S.-led coalition's war on terrorism. Their performance was already under scrutiny. Now it's likely they will favour countries that are strategically crucial, paying less heed to their records in economic governance and financial sector reform. Shrinking private capital flows to emerging markets may allow the IMF and World Bank to regain some lost prestige. But if they lend to uncreditworthy coalition partners, private creditors may not follow.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 235947
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