haku: @indexterm CLUSTER ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 167
viite: 25 / 167
Tekijä:Lapierre, J.
Mereros, R.
Otsikko:Information and communication technology usage: a case study
Lehti:Journal of Strategic Marketing
2006 : SEP, VOL 14:3, p. 229-244
Asiasana:cluster analysis
information technology
Tiivistelmä:This study aims to reveal a usage pattern by identifying information and communication technologies clusters for a sales force in a large telecommunication firm in Canada.The authors identify usage patterns composed of different mixes of 32 mature and emerging ICT via cross-regional comparison. The results provide a useful mechanism enabling strategic management to better allocate resources and identify training needs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264101
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