haku: @indexterm CLUSTER ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 167
viite: 23 / 167
Tekijä:Spencer, D. M.
Folocek, D. F.
Otsikko:Basic characteristics of the fall tourism market
Lehti:Tourism Management
2007 : VOL. 28:2, p.491-504
cluster analysis
Vapaa asiasana:fall tourism
autumn tourism
low season
Tiivistelmä:To better understand the nature of low season markets, and to enhance the understanding of the fall tourism market, this paper presents insights from a telephone survey of households in the Great Lakes region. Fall tourists, compared to their summer counterparts, were found to be older, less likely to travel with children, and less active in recreation. Fall color viewing rarely motivated trips and was much more prevalent as an additional activity. Distinct types of fall tourists were identified based on patterns of participation in trip activities and whether trips began during the early, middle, or late fall.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264344
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