haku: @indexterm cluster analysis / yhteensä: 167
viite: 19 / 167
Tekijä:Mingers, J.
Harzing, A-W.
Otsikko:Ranking journals in business and management: a statistical analysis of the Harzing data set
Lehti:European journal of information systems
2007 : AUG, VOL. 16:4, p. 303-316
Asiasana:citation analysis
cluster analysis
research analysis
academic research
Vapaa asiasana:citation indices
journal rankings
research assessment exercise (RAE)
Tiivistelmä:This article provides a perspective to academic journal ranking for business and management. The purpose of this paper is to investigate relationships between the different rankings. Authors also aim to develop a ranking based on four groups that could be practical for the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). According to the statistical analysis of the Harzing database which contains 13 rankings there is on average a high degree of uniformity between different rankings.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267484
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