haku: @indexterm cluster analysis / yhteensä: 167
viite: 11 / 167
Tekijä:Erkus-Ă–zturk, H.
Otsikko:The role of cluster types and firm size in designing the level of network relations: the experience of the Antalya tourism region
Lehti:Tourism Management
2009 : AUG, VOL. 30:4, p. 589-597
Asiasana:global models
companies by size
cluster analysis
network analysis
Tiivistelmä:The importance of developing global and local networks between tourism companies and clusters seeking to achieve global competitiveness has been increasingly underlined in previous studies. This paper seeks to investigate the role of local and global networking in firms varying in size and cluster type (based on specialization and agglomeration) in tourism. This article addresses the tourism dimension of the networking literature and applies a quantitative method based on a firm-level survey. The findings reveal that a positive relation exists between large firms and the global level of networking. The specialization and agglomeration of firms belonging to a cluster does not determine the extent of connectedness, as it is the size of the firm in a cluster that dictates the extent of networking in a cluster. Based on the research findings, the necessity of developing networks is discussed at a local and also global level, emphasizing the defining factors.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276304
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