haku: @journal_id 1282 / yhteensä: 168
viite: 16 / 168
Tekijä:Volery, T.
Otsikko:An Entrepreneur Commercialises Conservation: The Case of Earth Sanctuaries Ltd
Lehti:Greener Management International
2002 : SUM, 38, p. 109-116
Tiivistelmä:In this paper the author presents a case study of Earth Sanctuaries Ltd, an attempt by one entrepreneur to marry stock-market capitalism with native wildlife conservation. The company was listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 2000 and rapidly expanded to operate ten different sanctuaries. Recently the company faced a number of major problems that threatened its survival, including difficulties relating to the uniqueness of its business model, cash-flow management, the process of securing capital from external investors and an overly ambitious growth agenda. The primary goal of Earth Sanctuaries is to regenerate some of Australia's original ecosystems by eliminating introduced species and managing the land back to the point where original plant and animals can be successfully reintroduced.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 248100
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