haku: @indexterm INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS / yhteensä: 169
viite: 29 / 169
Tekijä:Brülhart, M.
Trionfetti, F.
Otsikko:Public expenditure, international specialisation and agglomeration
Lehti:European Economic Review
2004 : AUG, VOL. 48:4, p. 851-881
Asiasana:Public expenditure
Economic geography
European Union
Input-output analysis
Tiivistelmä:Public sector purchasers tend to favour domestic over foreign suppliers. This article examines the consequences of home-biased government procurement on international specialization. The results show firstly a pull effect, this is when a sector has a large home-biased procurement and the country will spezialise in that sector. Secondly, when home-biased procurement counters agglomeration forces in the sector, it can attenuate the overall degree on international specialization. This is called the spread effect.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 256620
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